Ziquan Wei’s academic website
Hi there 👋
👋 I’m Ziquan Wei (魏梓泉 in Chinese). A researcher and PhD student supervised by Dr. Guorong Wu at UNC-Chapel Hill. I’m meanwhile the system administrator at ACMLab. Previously, I obtained a Master’s degree supervised by Prof. Shaoqun Zeng and a Bachelor’s degree supervised by Prof. Yang Yang. My research interests are graph learning, brain modeling and decoding, computational neuroscience, and machine learning.
- ⭐ My paper is accepted by NeurIPS 2024.
- ⭐ My paper is accepted by MICCAI 2024.
- ⭐ One paper is accepted by ICML 2024.
🔭 I’m currently working on building a human connectomics foundation model with graph learning.
🌱 I’m currently learning human brain MRI data processing.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on scaling the brain connectomics model.
🤔 I’m dreaming of how to make a time machine.
⚡ Fun fact: Time machine is not impossible regarding memorable experiences.
😄 Pronouns: Zi-chyuan (/tʃüan/).